From Nashville to Wichita to New Mexico ... Step By Step

Like most of you, I distinctly remember the first time I heard a Rich Mullins song; it was almost 20 years ago. August 19th, 1975, the first night of Freshmen Orientation at Cincinnati Bible College, I sat in the midst of over 100 other people who felt as scared and alone as I when the concert began. A rather shaggy looking character, just 18 years old, with torn jeans (against the dress code) and bare feet (Heavens!) sat down at a rickety piano and spun tales of faith and wonder with music that I knew even then called for a much wider audience. Mullins and I became friends first and later "family" through nearly 2 decades of teaching, working, and laughing together--through the thousands of miles on the road that eventually led 5 of us to Wichita over 6 years ago.

Later this month [May '95] Mullins will leave Wichita for New Mexico. In the midst of the chaos we both call our lives, we sat down to do a legitimate interview about the changes that are coming in his life and why he finds it difficult to leave this river city. We settled down on the floor of my office to get serious.


Why teach? And why teach music? And why teach music to Navahoe children?
And the Navahoes?
You have a new project out in the fall. I've heard a lot of working titles for it--Songs, Too Many Chiefs and Not Enough Native Americans, Quoting Deuteronomy To The Devil--what in the world are you going to call this thing?
Yet another of the "this-is-the-last-time-we-swear-it Rich Mullins tours?" There have been a few...
You are leaving Wichita and I know you have loved living here. What do you love most? What will be the hardest to leave?

--Kathy Sanders